I was in Barry Aldridge's live show this morning. Which was amazing but then there was a great burst of light, i took a screen shot as soon as i could of what was happening. I managed to capture the following.
click for higher resolution.
Is Barry Aldridge Jesus? make up your own mind. BarryAldridge
I've always lacked talent when it comes to writing and keeping that writing coherent and interesting so I'm hoping through this little box in which i type i might pick up a thing or two. I've thought about an idea lately and I'm sure its been done i mean these days nothings original is it but... why is there not a twitter like site/application that you simple update your followers using small say 10 second videos? I haven't looked into this at all so there probably is such a site but in my current lazy state i cannot be bothered looking. Someone wanna look into that?